How it works wake up, the women? The answer to this question wants to know all the people. After all that excitement speaks to the fact that the girl more Frank love. Many of the external signs of arousal, the man understands that preliminary measures of effectiveness.

Awakening of the girls manifested psychological, physiological level. Psychological often precedes the physiology, though in some cases it is otherwise.
How excited a girl: symptoms
Since ancient times the sexual connection is a vital part of life. Not only procreation. Sexual excitement is a kind of stress in the body. So, so excited for you girl: the symptoms are not only physiological, but also psychological. The main physiological interest in signs of the following: high blood pressure, increased heart rate, breathing, sweating (especially the palms).
The main sign of sexual excitement in the hydration of the genital tract. This is due to the charging, the blood vessels in the blood, the vaginal walls become moist secret. Also, because the flow of blood to the sexual lips of the woman's them to swell and hydrate. It also serves as indicators of the arousal girl. When excited, the whole body begins to "catch up", the Breasts begin to increase in size, it becomes more flexible.
Even if a young man's experience in the undertaking of the girls, it's not easy. A lot harder than that to relieve the cold symptoms. Every girl needs an individual approach. It is important to remember the erogenous zones. All zones should be examined to try a girl. Over time, these zones every girl can change. If the address is correct, that you contact a girl, she can feel the pain of the heart: the same symptoms (high blood pressure, etc.). But it's not dangerous.
Basically, the main erogenous zone is the clitoris, labia, to the vagina. Also, these zones between the Breasts ( nipples). Kissing, touching, fondling – all of this has encouraged not only the women but also the men. Another interesting area of the neck. Some women the proper love, the neck can reach to the orgasm. Maybe whisper sweet words, because, as you know, whispering, too excited. The pain in my liver: relieve symptoms with medication, and physical tension, stiffness, the girls have a common love.

Mostly girls like when a young man, shave, smell of toilet water. You need to create a romantic mood more excitement. Women love the ears, it is necessary to pay compliments, tender words, you can read romantic poems. After that you can continue to kiss, caress. You have to start the mouth, then slow down, to pay due attention to the neck, arms (many of these places are erogenous). This will help you to take the initiative. If you're not feeling well, like a sore, pancreas, the symptoms of any other disease, love games, better to postpone.
Basically a small number of people can brag that they turn into a girl in the sex trade. It requires experience to talk with the girl. You need to constantly know that you love the kind of love, or not. So over time you can make a map of the female body, and I know that what she's excited about it. In other cases, the science is much easier than the mathematics. To understand, to delight a woman much more interesting than any other science. The most important thing is constant practice.
How to determine what a man is excited
The women aim to arouse men, to bring them to mind, but how can I tell if my man excited. For this purpose a large Arsenal of tools. But to understand what your partner really want no one else.
Of course, the most obvious symptom of excited man an erection. Ignore hard. But let's assume that the first encounter this phenomenon, or is this the first sexual intercourse. The erection is the hardening of the penis.
During erection the penis people actively supplied with blood, the penis increases the length of 5-7 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter. Men very often use the term "I", which means that now is experiencing erection. In fact, without the sexual act does not occur. So, thank you, erection!
However, not all erections indicates that the excited state of the men. Very often the men morning wood. Usually it happens early in the morning, for several reasons. But in this article, we don't think, in such cases, account should be taken of situations where the erection, of course, arise in the context of more intimate relationships.
Well, if you can't see certain parts of the body, to a man or talking to him on the phone, then on what basis can it be determined that the man that you desire?
The sound . To listen to the voice. If the object of the attention excited, the voice becomes low and a little hoarse. This is due to the fact that during the excitation, the body released hormones that affect ligaments. In fact, the ladies is the same. Intimate the voice becomes velvety, a little low.
If a man is very excited, he starts to gesticulate or to put your hand on the lock. The feeling, therefore, that you try to keep yourself, and your desire. Or vice versa, if the desire is very large, the people you try to reach the object of desire, lightly touching hands or the face.
The sight of the man close, a bit like the glass. This may take a while, and I don't want to observe the woman, as if devouring her with his eyes. Sometimes it's like a trance. In principle, the state of arousal in men are similar to the trance.
If you don't see, how can I tell if my man excited. For example, the conversation takes place, on the phone, during the excitation, stop the conversation grows longer. This is related to the fact that the excited condition of the men is very concentrated, not thinking about anything but your own feelings, desires. The same shyness is manifested during sexual intercourse. So don't be offended if the man is listening, not talking. I trust my body much more attractive.
The testosterone in a woman's body
The production of hormone testosterone in women the ovaries and ensures the regulation of the fat tissue, muscle tissue, as well as the libido.
According to the research, the professionals, the testosterone levels in women may be different, depending on the age.

Girls, who have not yet reached the period of puberty, the blood contains approximately 10 micrograms / deciliter of blood is quite low in women of childbearing age. However, onset after the first period, this indicator increases to 70 ng/DL. It is noteworthy that the first signs of menopause the levels of testosterone in women is rising. Pregnancy can be greatly influenced by the levels of testosterone in the blood concentration of the hormone increase 4 times! What explains these differences? The fact that testosterone is an important hormone in the female reproductive system.
Because the testosterone the development of the follicles in the ovaries, this hormone is involved in the formation of the skeleton, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, affect the sexual arousal and improves the mood of women.
Muscle quality also directly depends on. Low levels of the hormone causes the muscles exhausted, his body becomes ugly, and the volume increase due to the formation of fat in the body. If the hormone in the normal metabolic optimum, exercise, good nutrition leads to the formation of a beautiful, toned muscles, not fat.
Bone health to a large extent depends on the testosterone level. While the female hormone estrogen is a protection function to prevent the damage and the broken bones, testosterone affects women the skeleton structure and reinforcement. It is for this reason that prevention. This disease is in most cases preceded by the women during menopause, when the body loses the lion's share of the testosterone, estrogen. To maintain these hormones within the norm to keep your bones strong and healthy.
Testosterone is A hormone good mood. This hormone allows the girl to feel happy, to fight exhaustion, fatigue. Even the systematic intake of vitamins, proper nutrition, and good rest the girl feel weak, drowsy - possible symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. It is possible that this condition lack testosterone in the body, so we need to improve.
The work of the sexual receptors are impossible without this hormone. He stimulates your sexual desire, acting in certain parts of the brain. This is the property to improve brain activity in general, and also to prevent the depression, distraction. Girls who are constantly in a bad mood, uncertain, to check that the concentration of the hormone in the blood.
Adjust the level of the body by the hormones. But first you need to consider consult a qualified doctor, who will talk in detail about the rules of the hormones.
Despite the fact that the unique positive properties of testosterone in women, excess of this hormone can lead to even more unpleasant consequences, than the deficit. External symptoms increase women serve male characteristics: increased growth of the hair, the skin, the lack of pronounced waist, hips. No excessive greasiness of the skin, the appearance of acne. Many women notice disorders of the menstrual cycle, even in absence of menstruation, which can also be a sign of increased testosterone.
Hair falling out, chest area, belly fat. The woman suffers from insomnia, unreasonable, mood changes, pain in the lumbar region lift. Confirm or refute the suspicion that the higher the level of this hormone is will help a blood test. Normal testosterone in women varies in the range 0.45 to 3.75 nmol/l. This number may vary, depending on the age of the woman during pregnancy or during menopause. The excessive testosterone in women can indicate diseases of the reproductive system: polycystic ovary tumors of the adrenal gland or other. To diagnose the disease will help in the further research: ultrasound, MRI, etc.
The factors contributing to the growth of the testosterone, the female hormones, and chemical additives. The reasons may be: genetic predisposition, prolonged intake of specific drugs, poor nutrition, pathology of the endocrine system causing the hormone levels the deviation from the norm .

The increased male hormone, women can not be ignored, in order to avoid further complications of health. Excessive hormone lead to dysfunction of the ovaries, producing errors during the menstrual cycle. The lack of time, above the rate of testosterone can lead to the development of diabetes in the elderly, as well as other serious diseases. Violation of the ovulation process, is inextricably linked to the activities of the ovaries may lead to infertility, chronic miscarriage. The increased testosterone in women because of a malfunction in the pituitary gland may develop obesity.
Unfortunately, the increased testosterone in women today, one of the most common diseases of the endocrine system. However, timely recognition, and treatment of diseases allows to reduce the unpleasant consequences of this imbalance in the hormones here to normal. A qualified endocrinologist will select the appropriate treatment, daily medication.
A woman measures, which contribute to the normalization of hormonal background in general. You need to stop your diet rather dietary natural products, give up alcohol, bad habits. Increased testosterone women adjustable.